Tuesday, 26 June 2012


My remedy for acne and pimples !

In this monsoon we don't like to do anything simply love to sleep and enjoy the rain (atleast i love to do all this stuff !) So,i thought to do some short and simple daily care of my skin throughout the monsoon or may be entire year.Recently i brought four things from style craze to prevent my acne and pimples.they are: 

VLCC oil control face wash

It has cool effects while applying the face wash due to presence of menthol.

below is the swatch of the face wash.it is gel form comes in tube packaging .

price:Rs.49/-for 50ml


VLCC oil control scrub pack

 next is VLCC scrub pack.apply the scrub on to face and scrub gently for first 5min then reapply a thin layer of scrub on to face and leave it for 10-15min. and wash it off.the scrub pack won't get dry so while washing of gently scrub with wet hands and then wash it off.its too a tube packaging !

price:Rs.75/- for 50gm

below is the swatch of the scrub pack.

VLCC corrector 

it is most beautiful and magic product for your acne and pimples.it comes in a narrow pen like tube making easy to apply on to pimples and acne directly and then gently massage it on the affected area and let it absorb .just apply 3 to 4 times a day and within 3 days your acne will disappear (not endorsing the product,this is my personal experience).



shahnaz all day gel.

it is a gel base .can apply after bath in morning if not going out and at night before going to bed.it just help you to prevent any acne or pimples .

price: Rs.95/-

Well this four things and i think i m sorted ! do let me know how much my suggestion help you. 

will i re buy it ? yes,yes,yes.........! :)

(note:all these products are available on style craze.com)

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