Friday, 1 July 2016

Paper Boat Drinks and memories (CHILLY GUAVA DRINK):-

Gone are the days when we run out in rain and sail our boat. Those childhood days of memories from hiding and seek with friends to stealing those salty sweet pickles from the kitchen (grandma’s/mother touch) are still hidden somewhere in our heart. Paper boat tried to bring back those memories with some unique drinks that might have some stories to tell /to remind again.

Those gadgets and play station ruined the actual fun of playing in the playground, dancing in the rain or spending that lazy afternoon with a friend in someone else garden full of mango/guava/Jamun tree. Paper boat drinks and memories are the way to share those stories with our future generation, to bring them to our past where we live our life fullest without those gadgets and PlayStation.

Am I sound sentimental?

The first day I remember I try out there “Aam Panna” drink, it’s like a flashback of loads of memories trying to make me remind of those days of my childhood at one go. That was the first day till now Paper boat is one of my favorite brand of drinks. My four-year small kid loves to have their drink and wants to know the stories of my childhood (if I have any) related to that particular drink.

 The brand you admire and love most If they contact you for trying out their newly launched drink it like I am honored by them, and without a second thought I said yes to them.

Price: - Rs.30/- for 250ml.

They send me samples of their newly launched “Chilly Guava” drink in a cute pink box (which I am going to store forever). The “Chilly Guava” drink is just the perfect taste of guava mixed with chilly that we used to have on that lazy afternoon of our childhood days. The drink tastes awesome when chilled. The salty, chilly mixture with guava flavor just bang on my taste bud.

I just love the drink and definitely I will recommend it to each and everyone to try at least once (I bet you won’t regret).

So, did you tried out any drink of Paper boat? Do you have any memories to share? Do comment below.


[PR sample sends by the brand for review]


  1. I quite like this brand... great post dear..

  2. Paper boat does bring out fond memories. I just love their flavors, very unique and really good. I always keep some stored in my fridge


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