Saturday, 13 October 2012

The Goodies I won From Purple moments !

Hola beautiful ladies,
Today i thought to post my much awaited post is about a giveaway i won from my true friend and a hard working blogger Smita aka "my smi" from "Purple Moments".
It is sad that she can't send me all the goodies that she promise in her giveaway as the courier people deny to courier liquids :(
But whatever she send me in replacement that are AWESOME !!!
Here are the pictures.
I just loved this clutch bag .....totally awesome !
And here are some additional goodies that she sent it for me tooooooo :)
Love the glosses And the pouches very good for trying out first . 

 A lovely note with a heart goodie !

 At last a big big thank you to Smita for sending me such beautiful goodies....
Love you Sweetie.This post is dedicated to you :)


Leave your lovely comments below to cheer me up always :)