Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Exclusive Haul !!!

Today i am going to share with you all the second part of my haul post .It is not exactly a haul post as half of it i shopped and half of it are gifted by my sister !
So here are the pictures with details !

I shop for Sleek,Mua from THE B SHOP !

Some detailed pictures !!! ;)

And a Surprise gift gifted by The B Shop owners !!!
So A big Thank you to them !
Love the surprise :)

Next is gifted by my sister from Coastal Scents !
A detailed pictures below :)

I Don't think after getting this palette i hardly need any more palette,but we girls never stop shopping naa ;)

[I know it's a trick of my sister for not shopping of any more palettes ! :( ].

A a small gift from coastal scents !!!

So That's all for today !
How you like my haul? do you shop anything international brand in this festive season?
Do share with me !


  1. wow di... super super super haul. really I dun think u'll buy any more palettes :D
    But dun knw, if u buy... ;)

  2. Great, No words to describe! Like to have it.

  3. OMG!!! Toa!!!!! This is one of the best-est HAUL !!!! Am droooooolingggggggg <3

  4. superb haul Toa.... :)

    the lip palette is so delicious to look at :D

  5. They are fantastic! Nice palettes! I have ordered some things too and I can't wait from a brand that I advertise at the top of my blog. If you ever shop from them, I would love it if you do it from my blog because I have a small commision.

    Can you please vote for 'Beauty and the Mist' as one of the best Greek beauty blogs? You only write your name, email and choose 3 blogs from the list. Thank you in advance!

    1. hi demi ! sure i will vote for you
      And if ever i shop i will keep this things in my mind !!! :)

  6. OMG u got the ultimate eye shadow palette..... u r such a lucky sis!!! :)

  7. awsom haul samannita............specially the ultimate palette and sunkissed :)

  8. Awesome haul ! 252 one has all the hot pots no..fab :)

  9. Superb haul..:) Loved that palette a lot. It has every colour that one can wish for.<3

    1. yes it is lovely palette but i think i can't do justice with the palette like you did with yours :(


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