Wednesday, 16 October 2013

My Notd with Lavender !

Before I start to say anything …before that wishing all my Bengali friends “Subho bijoya” and all my non- Bengali friends “Happy dusshera”…. Due to durga Puja, I have to keep all my post backseat and enjoyed these 4 days but the cyclone that hit the Orissa ruined the last two days of Puja…. Feeling sorry for all those people …Let’s Pray together   "to bless them ".

Okay now let’s get started :) Today Am going to share my NOTD….that I did during DURGA PUJA…I know when people are sharing there FOTD and OOTD , it’s odd that am sharing my NOTD….:D 

But this is my current favorite shade from AVON. The shade is Loving Lavender; I brought it few months back. :)

Price: - Rs. 159/- . Quantity:-8ml

Avon claims: - Salon-quality color that keeps nail polished and brilliant.

And I think it true to its claim…why?  Here are the pictures!!!

Okay here I am trying to be little different ....yet looking stupid : P

Okay before you get bored of my clicks :P [ which i know you already are ] and feel to leave my blog....just have a look on small info:-

The shade being pastel gives a fair look to my hands. I need to apply 3 coats to get the actual color. The consistency is runny a bit but dries out super quickly so that is good when you are in rush :)

So, do you have any shade from this range? I guess most of you have it as it is so affordable that you just can’t have just one: P

Hope you all like my post! Feel free to leave your lovely comments :)

P.s. first image is taken from here



  1. Lovely shade me too love Lavender colour <3 Sam

  2. That's a pretty shade Toa di! I yes, I pray from the bottom of my heart for the people who were devastated by the storm and lost everything. God bless them :)

  3. Beautiful lavender color!! Suits u dear! :)

  4. Lovely NOTD :))) I loved the shade ^_^

    I am following you now! Please follow me back :D

    Indian Beauty Center

  5. wowyy It's luking soo pretty... Loved this color. :D Lovely NOTD di... :D

    And ya I'm missing your posts badly. Once I used to check your blog regularly to see what you've posted... :/

    1. Awww that so touchy sweety...thnk u thnk u ...I m flattered and definitely I m trying to be back on track again...hope things get sorted out soon :)

    2. I too hope so. Will b waiting for dat di :D <3


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