Monday, 3 August 2015


Here I am back with my series of “Lipstick Talks” part 2. Yes we already discuss about few myths and truth on our previous post. If you miss it here it is “Lipstick Talks: - Part I”.

Okay so today I am going to share few tips on basic care of your lips, I know many are common points that we already know but when we talking about lipstick I think it is necessary to start from the basic. So let’s get started…

Tips No.1:-
Always exfoliate your lips prior to applying lipsticks. It can be mild sugar scrub mixed with 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Or you can go for any mild face scrub for your lips too.
Always exfoliate with light hand, don’t put too much pressure on your lips. As our lips are tender so care should be taken.

Tips No.2:-
After exfoliate, always moisturize your lips with lip balms atleast 15-20mins before applying any lipstick.

Tips No.3:-
If you apply a matte lipstick over a lip balm directly it might not show up the color on your lips due to over moisturize of your lips. But if you remove your entire lip balm then as the lipstick is matte in texture and it may dries up your lips with time. Then? Well, so the trick is before applying the matte lipstick, don’t remove the lip balm entirely but just pat the lip balm off with a tissue.

Tips no.4:-
If the lipstick is satin or lustre in texture then with time it might bleed so this time you better remove your lip balm totally with the tissue before you apply the lipstick.

Points to remember:-

Too much moisturize lips may not show the actual shade of the lipsticks. So depending on the texture of your lipsticks and according to your wish that how the lipstick will show on your lips you can either remove the lip balm totally or just pat it.

A quick tip :-

If during sharpening any lipstick or lip pencils (am talking about those lipsticks and lip liner pencils that comes in a wooden pencil form) tends to break a lot which mean wastage of product...then keep the lipstick or lip pencil in fridge for 1-2 hours before sharpening. This time it will not tend to break like before during sharpening and so there will be less wastage of product. ;)

Okay before I end up today’s post I thought to share few facts about lipsticks that we always go through once in our life for sure…


Every lipstick are not pigmented, neither all are long staying like we desire nor thought. But before buying any lipstick we hardly look at it most of the time as the shade look so pretty we brought it without giving second thought. Or we hardly get chance to decide on their pigmentation or long staying factor.

After trying and testing of the lipstick most of the time we get disheartened as the shades didn’t come out like we thought or it don’t look that gorgeous like you saw online…So what’s the point then ? Throw it? Or give it to sister? Or lying untouched on your stash for ages?

Nah! Nah! I have better plan…
Will reveal on my next series…;)
I hope you liking my Lipstick Talks series…do comment below about your thoughts.

See you tomorrow in "Lipstick Talks" series part III ...keep your eye on this space…

Love Sammy …;)


  1. Beautiful post. Great tips lipstick queen

  2. loving ur tips Samannita...keep them coming!

    1. Hey thank you sweets that you like it...hope the post is useful :)

    2. Hey thank you sweets that you like it...hope the post is useful :)

  3. Thank you so much for the tips.

  4. Thank you so much for the tips.

  5. Thank you for sharing all those tips.... u r really a lipstick queen....

    1. Aww thank you sweet heart, i am not lipstick queen , hehee it just i love to experiment a lot with lipsticks mostly and so i learn many things...i just thought it is time that i should share all experience and experiments with you all, am happy that you all liking it :) Thank you very much , comments coming from bloggers that too your friend means a lot for me :)


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