Tuesday, 14 June 2016

After a break !

Hey friends,

Today's post is something different than the usual one. I got loads of messages and emails for not being posting anything on my blog for so long. Sorry for being MIA. And those messages and emails of my readers/friends made think that I should share my reason for being MIA. So starting my blogging fourth innings with a small confession...

A little about Me (if you interested to read) ;)

We always love to do those things that give us happiness and blogging is one of it. It is definitely not my profession but my passion. The love for makeup brings me into this world of beauty blogging. I love to shop makeup mostly, and whatever I love to shop I love to share my experience. In these three years of long journey, I always try to be the focus on whatever I post. And maybe that was the reason I never hire any guest writer as I always wanted to be the only one who took responsibility of whatever posting in makeupandbeautty.com blog. I confess that my honest opinion in my reviews help me to lose loads of PR, for which I don't regret at all, as I know I am honest in whatever I post. I post only whatever I love to share on my blog.

 My intention is "the few minutes you take out from your busy time schedule to read my blog, gives you the most relaxation, enjoyment, and entertainment through my posts so that you forget your all stress and hard times that you going through". I love to interact with every single reader of my blog personally and that's why my most of time goes behind answering all the queries of my readers/friends (whom I just love and adore). In short blogging is not a business of my passion, it is actually passion in business for me ;)

Why I was MIA?

Recently the continuous work for blogging on the same kind of stuff made me bored and I was out of my creative idea. Definitely, blogging is a game of brain mostly but whenever you claim yourself beauty blogger/fashion blogger I think the responsibility increase a little bit on yourself. As you have to look good always, presentable pictures on the blog and definitely highlighting the best part of you through blogging. I was lacking in my idea, moreover being a wife and a mom of a 4 years old kid my life is a roller coaster. Secondly, my laptop was not working properly and so my phone was giving me a tough time. Both the gadgets were shouting for a repair. So, finally, I decided to take them to a service center and give myself a break of 1/2 month.

What did I do in those days?

Honestly speaking I was doing nothing. I use to spend time mostly with my kid and family and with my close friends. Chatting and watching loads of makeup videos. Spending loads of time in front of the internet for deciding what to shop and what not. Visited my hometown Kolkata in between those days and enjoyed the break.

What I gain/learn from this break?

Well, I gain weight, the love of mom's and aunty's dishes are now showing up in my chin and throughout my body. Those breakouts on highlighted point of face remind me of all those oily foods that I ate during my visit to my hometown. The rough hair or you can say the don't care attitude towards my hair let them shouting that they immediately need care. The tanning of my exposed area makes me remind that I am tone down two shade now for which the newly buying stuff might look odd on me...

I learn, we all need a break. No matter what side effects it brings along with each break but that is much needed. Sitting idle doing nothing gives my brain rest and those dark circles of tiring and due to dieting are now gone. I feel fresh from inside and so I decide I should come back to my world of blogging again.

That's all for today...I will be regular in blogging from now until I am again tired...hope you like today's offbeat post...

Thank you for being there always for me, the endless love and support...I am blessed and honored to have you all in my life. God bless you all. Have a great day/night :)



  1. We all need a break from time to time. You look great, so the break was a good choice!

    1. Yeah we all need a break...:) thank you for stopping by :*

  2. Hey beautiful following you on instagram ash_sultana
    Snapchat ash_sultana
    Twitter. ashjiwani25
    Facebook ayeshasalim

  3. Hey beautiful following you on instagram ash_sultana
    Snapchat ash_sultana
    Twitter. ashjiwani25
    Facebook ayeshasalim


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