Thursday 13 April 2017

Chocolates ...!!!

I know the title of today's post actually brings you here to see what exactly I am up for today...

It has been a long time that I haven't done any proper blog posts, as I was so busy with my youtube channel to grow. But yes, today I sit back to write something for my blog only and that is all because today is "GOOD FRIDAY" and I have a holiday from my usual work so I am just relaxing and thought to write down something different from usual makeup or beauty blog post.

Chocolates...!!! this one word actually bring our inner temptation every time when we think about it (if you have sweet tooth like me.. :P ). 

So the last Christmas I was gifted by a sweet (like chocolates) and nice fellow blogger/YouTuber (Kanika Sharma and of "Her Creative Palace")  a surprise gift which consists of some handmade chocolates. I clicked those pictures of chocolates before I open it to have it as I am a crazy chocolate lover so I knew that it going to be finished within a blink if I opened it (Maybe that is the reason that I always fight with myself to get back into shape...but that is a different topic).

So she sends me some beautifully packed yummy taste chocolates that have a touch of homemade.

I loved those chocolates and so my kid too. We actually end up the entire packet within two days. So I thought why not I do a post on it so that you guys can have a look with same ;)
So here are all those pictures that I clicked a long time back but cherishing till now...

And finally, if you want to grab something from the same person to gift someone or for yourself then here is the details of the same :)

***Between my bestie(Nabamita) send me something that was really beautiful, smells good and tastes yummy on last Christmas which has no relation with this particular post but just thought to share here as we are talking about gifts and gifting to our loved ones.

That's complete today's chocolate post. Wish you all "GOOD FRIDAY". May God bless you all.

Love Sammy :*

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