Tuesday 12 June 2018


Virgin peruvian body wave hair is virgin peruvian hair that has been wet styled to have body wave curls. Most important in knowing how to take care of this virgin hair extensions is to understand what virgin peruvian hair is, its qualities and how to take care of it and then understand how to retain the soft body wave curls. peruvian hair is generally a soft luxurious virgin hair extensions that is sourced from hair donors in Malaysia and further processed into different styles. The hair is very dark brown and it can retain curls for a long time, however it does not retain moisture for a long time. Taking care of virgin peruvian body wave hair requires the same amount of care that your hair does; protecting from sun, washing, moisturising, styling, detangling and so on except that the moisture retaining property of the hair should be put in mind.
Washing of the peruvian hair should be done with lukewarm water; water in the wrong temperature can cause hair to frizz. Washing should also be done with a mild light-weight shampoo that will neither strip the hair of moisture nor weigh the hair down.Peruvian body wave hair should be properly moisturised because moisture is one of the major problems of peruvian hair. Putting water in a spray bottle to use daily on hair is a good way to achieve moisture, additionally the use of conditioners after washing help the hair to stay moisturised, and leave-in conditioners can be applied to the hair. Natural oils and mild serums can serve as moisture sealants when applied to the peruvian hair extensions.


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