Thursday, 4 October 2012

I won Colorbar "liked and shared" contest !

Hello friends,
Recently i won colorbar contest of "liked and shared" and they told me they will send me gift coupon...but to my utter surprise see what i got...A lovely Parcel...
I opened it hurriedly and found It's A true gloss in coral Craving Shade (i don't know how the Colorbar came to know that this gloss was on my Wishlist on the very first day i saw it ).

I can't resist myself to apply the color onto my lips so here is the pics but i will review it soon. :) 

Yayyyyyyyy ! I am so Happy ! a big thank you and hugs to Colorbar.

Anybody out there have got their gift? do share with me 
Till then see you in my next article :)


  1. I must say that you r one lucky babe!!! Winning all the giveaways n gifts n to top it all u hauled so many things for Durga pujo too :)
    Toa,you are making us jealous :P

    1. Awwwwwww ! ruby...thanks ..even me surprised...i think giveaway's,gift's and haul's angels showering their blessing upon me....
      hehehehe,really ruby i hauled sooooo much na??????i know :)
      that's why cutting the shopping for few days....:D

  2. wowww Toa...looks awesome.. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. congrats toa... u r the lucky one!! a good preparation for the pujo haan ??


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