Friday, 21 March 2014

Review of Mac Opulash Mascaras in Optimum Black from Archie’s collection:-

I know I know when the tittle show’s a limited edition product review everybody skip it but this time I have a secret to share with you along with this limited edition mascara from Mac Archie’s Collection…

It is my first time in my entire blogging that I am going to write a review on mascara. Previously I was kajal and liner person but day by day the addiction towards makeup pushes me towards a little bit to perfection in eye makeup saying that ‘inner beauty is great but little mascara never hurts” 

Price: - Rs.1100/-

I always tend to use up my mascara in 3 months as I heard mascara should be changed after 3 month….and it is my first ever buy mascara from Mac. Being so pricey I must admit I didn’t use it long times , it was laying on my stash unopened for many months…but finally as now my moto is to end up my old makeup stash so here I found the mascara beneath all of my makeup which I almost forgot that I have it ….

Okay now coming to the secret first as I am dieing to share with you all that this mascara although a limited edition but its exact dupe is Mac opulash mascara which is from permanent range. Infact when I tried both side by side I found that only the difference between two is the packaging, rest are totally same. The SA girl also told me the same that they are identical, so girls although am reviewing a limited edition but it is actually not hope i make some sense of it :P

Okay let’s continue the review then, I hope after hearing the dupe story you would love to read the rest of review: P

The packaging of the mascara as it is from Archie’s collection is so adorable. The white slim box of the mascara along with some hearts and tarts and faces of the comic characters printed on it makes the only difference in this mascara with the permanent range one.  The white tube of mascara has the face of Betty along with several red hearts which clearly signifies it from Betty collection.

Opulash Mascaras in Optimum Black is saturated intense black mascara. The wand is long and the brush is big and plush; I required 2 coats of mascara to achieve my desired volume of lashes. The mascara stays pretty well for long hour on my lids. Although it is not claim to be water-proof mascara but I need makeup remover to remove my mascara. The wand is just perfect to apply the mascara without clogging any lashes and making it look more dramatically.

Good points:-

  •  Cute packaging.
  • Big brush and long wand.
  • Can achieve volume to lashes in 2 coats.
  •  Stays pretty well
  • Ideal for dramatic look. 
  •  Never clog or adhere lashes with each other while applying.

Bad point:-

  • Limited edition. Well, you can’t get same packaging but you can grab the product as I told you it is exact dupe of mac opulash mascara.
  •  Availability as limited edition but I have solution for this too :P



My rating: - 4.5 /5

My recommendation:- “I won’t cry for you as my mascara is too expensive” this is the line that keep flowing on my head from the day I started to use this mascara….hehehehe as I admit I never used such pricey mascara before as I never intend to spend so much money on a single mascara but this mascara change my opinion to far extent as I came to know that “only a good mascara can make your eye makeup look complete and it can raise it quality to professional level a bit”  so definitely I am going to buy again the opulash one from permanent range (as this one is limited edition)after ending this as I am addicted to Mac mascara now :P


  1. Wow! I liked the before and after pics! But too expensive! :(

  2. Ooooo! Such cute packaging Sam! :D
    I really like it!
    Seems to be pricey for me though.
    Be sure to check out my Innisfree Red Ginseng Mask review :)

  3. Wow..cute packaging. ..beautiful eyes..
    Love the effects ..I would love to try..
    Great review sam darling :*

  4. Although pricey but looks good :)
    “I won’t cry for you as my mascara is too expensive” Lol :D

    1. Yeah pricey but works great too :P and hehehehe thnks ;)

  5. cute u said..never cry..keep smiling..:)

  6. Cute packaging and results are gr8 dear! :)


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